Wednesday, February 20

organising this weekend

Hi all,

Thanks for your beautifully eloquent blogs Dan and Ben!

This is just about my first ever blog entry, so I'm avoiding the eloquent and just going for organisational.

So, we're all meeting up this weekend to organise and create for Bundanon (our residency is on in 2 months' time!).

Friday night I'm guessing we're meeting at the pub. I'll be there from 7.30pm onwards. If anyone is going to be much later than 9.30pm perhaps it's better just to meet at the house instead of the pub?

Food is almost organised - Dan, do you require further shopping list suggestions or clarifications?

In terms of the weekend itself, I see a rough outline as follows (open to any suggestions of course!)

Friday night - all arrive at Blackheath and spend time catching up and sharing project ideas.

Saturday morning - people get up whenever they want, have breakkie and then spend the morning on their own creative stuff, inspired by being in Blackheath and by thoughts for the Bundanon residency.

Saturday lunch - all come together and share lunch.

Saturday afternoon - let's spend say 1-2 hours sharing the work/ideas that we generated during the morning. The remainder of the day I think should be spent planning a timetable for our time at Bundanon and agreeing on a central project.

Saturday dinner - Serena to cook. Julian is heading back to Sydney for work. The remaining 4 of us should do a creative activity. How about we all improvise songs/music on a theme (ie just to muck around and be creative).

Sunday morning - creative time.

Sunday afternoon - more planning (repeat of Saturday afternoon).

Later Sunday afternoon - all clean the house.

Sunday evening - head back home (possibly via dinner at Dan's house).

How does that fit with everyone?

- Serena


a little hummingbird said...

The plan suits me. Although I wonder if we should talk/plan first on Saturday morning and then do our own stuff in the arvo?

Shopping list seems sorted, unless Jules wants to add anything?

I'll leave the box of food at my house, along with a box of goodies (music instruments, paints, pens, papers etc). Can you guys pick them up on the way through since I'll be on the train?

The key is in the usual spot.

Anonymous said...

I'm open to talking first Saturday ... I just wondered if we risk spending the entire day talking and not actually creating anything? I'm not fussed either way ... let's just reach a consensus.

Picking stuff up from your house will be easy. Do you want to leave the keys to Blackheath there too? That way if you get held up, we'll still be able to get in.

Do people want to meet at the pub in Blackheath or at the house. I'm fine either way - slight preference for just meeting at the house, but the pub is tempting too.
- Serena

a little hummingbird said...

I can leave the keys, but may also have to leave a description of the house as well - I don't know the full address! Shouldn't be too much of a drama though...

museum of fire said...

I would have a bit of a leaning to morning creativity, coming at it with a fresher mind.

That's if we have had a chance to do a small amount of planning in the Friday night catch-up, to set the direction of what might be appropriate to work on.

But I'm quite happy either way...

On Pub vs House - do people have even a vague ballpark of their likely Blackheath arrival time? Might help decide.

a little hummingbird said...

Actually, if we chat on Friday then doing own creative stuff in morning would suit me fine.

I have a meeting on Friday afternoon and I won't find out what time it begins/finishes until Friday morning...