Tuesday, March 25

Creative Brainstorming

Two weeks ago now (time goes so quickly), Dan and Jules and I met up for lunch in The Rocks.

Since it was a Monday our brains hadn't quite kicked into gear, so while we were waiting for Dan, Jules and I did a few creative brainstorming exercises...

We picked 5 random words from the book Julian was reading and separately listed various aspects of that word. We then picked a few of these to talk about in more depth, discussing how it might relate to our project.

An example: WIND

Some of the aspects of wind are: it lowers the temperature, it makes you feel unsettle, it can make music, it can be used to generate power, it is spelt the same way as wind (wind it up). Ideas that flowed from this included ways in which you could try and make an audience feel unsettled - mist machines, lighting, music, viewing a work by flashlight...

Another example: HOUSEHOLD

Aspects: Big brother/Reality TV, fights, chores, division of labour, one person's dominance (hold), morning coffee, sharing.
Relates to the artwork: Different people have different roles in determining aspects of the artwork, we assign the audience to various groups depending on assumptions we make about their appearance (for example, one group might be given a tour of Bundanon from the owner's perspective, another group might hear stories from the cook's perspective etc).

Even if none of this is used, it was definitely a useful method for getting some creative juices flowing...

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